Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bring it On

I made a new edition to my life change plan this week.  I joined a site called "My Fittness Pal" and so far, I love it.   It reminds me a great deal of Weight Watchers from when I did it 2 years ago in terms of tracking, but there is not "Point System" to deal with.

I really started using it today for the first time and actually tracked food, and exercise, and explored some of the tools, forums, and message boards they have to offer.

Everyone really has their own story, and they have welcomed me into their community with open arms.  I posted on the "Introduce Yourself" message board today saying that I was looking to create a network of supportive people, and received a HUGE out-pour of supportive comments back, invitations to workout groups (for accountability), and friend requests to share experiences.

People really can be quite fabulous :)

Stay that way!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6 Months Later

Well, I've made it 6 months without wheat and I have noticed a few things.

  1. My energy level has changed immensely.  I find it easier to get up in the morning, to motivate myself to workout, and to stay active all day long.
  2. I don't crave wheat products at all anymore.  Sure, watching people eat a sandwich or order a pizza, or bring cupcakes or brownies to a party causes a little twinge as I remember a time when I could eat them, but I'm not angry. 
  3. My headaches have decreased ten-fold. They are not gone entirely, but between eliminating wheat from my diet over the last 6 months and recently removing white sugar as well, my headaches have gone from all day, every day,  to once or twice a week.
  4. My mood has improved.  I am still struggling with some hormonal issues that seem unrelated to the wheat/sugar in my diet, but over all, I am noticeably happier.
  5. Finally, I am 54 pounds lighter than I was when I started.  I'm not there yet, I still have some lbs left to shed, but I am working at every day.

No matter how many times I have wanted to give up, I am so proud of how far I've come, and I cannot wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

Stay fabulous!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Well, I seriously neglected this blog for almost 2 months.....but I guess it is as good a time as any to give an update.

Food:  Food isn't as hard anymore.  Do I still miss wheat when I have to walk by one of the 20 subway restaurants at school? Sure...but then I smell the yeast and it makes me nauseous.  I do still miss certain things, but I have found some really GF alternatives.  The GF Bagels are actually quite good, but it is still heavy in carbs, so I have to limit those.  The same goes for the breads, but they make for a good, small, sandwich every once in a while.   I have a new found appreciation for rice cakes.  They are yummy...with nutella, peanut butter, cheese, as an open faced sandwich, or just plain!  I'm pretty okay on protein...pork chops, ground turkey, and chicken (of course), but I've gotten good at looking up recipes online and modifying them to fit my needs...and taste buds.

Weight:  Perhaps the most exciting news is that I have lost 40 lbs since I went Wheat Free.  It has not been easy (not by a long shot), but every day it is worth it.  I still have a ways to go, but as the weather continues to get nicer, my motivation to go out and be active increases.  Even if its just going for a long walk in the afternoon, it has been nice to enjoy the weather.  I am hoping to get a bike in the near future, or at least a brake replacement on my roller blades, to make the most of summer workouts. Especially since the apartment I'll be living in this summer is a bit further from class than I'm used to.

All in all, things are good, and I am looking forward to things to come.

Stay Fabulous!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Enough is Enough

Despite the title of this post, I know I cannot make any guarantees, but I have vowed to make a more conscious effort not to let the frustrations of this "body transformation" get me down.  Enough is enough.  I am tired of feeling bad about myself when I am working so hard to make so many positive changes in my life.  I am working my butt off, and the results will come. As my mom said this morning, even if you don't see the results on the scale, your body is still changing. 

Change is hard.  Regardless of the reason behind it, or the over-all goal.  But after having re-read what I posted yesterday, I felt bad.  Not bad in a "pity party" kind of way, but I was angry at myself for being so hard on myself. 

I want to start making a list, maybe once a day, maybe once a week, but a list of all the things I'm doing right.  My accomplishments.  I frequently make "to-do" lists, and even though checking off the items  symbolizes accomplishing the task, I think I can do more.

Especially on the days when it is hard to look in the mirror at the body I am fighting to change, it would be nice to know that in spite of it all, I'm still doing the right things.

Just something to think about this week...
Stay motivated, stay fabulous

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Weight of the World

I've had a rough week.

Despite my efforts and waking up at 6am every day to ensure that I got in a good work out, my weight hasn't changed.  I knew I would eventually plateau, but i didn't think it would be so soon...I am still crossing my fingers in hopes that it was just a fluke, and that this week will go better, but I'll have to wait and see.

What was worse, my parents surprised my sister and I with an AMAZING spring break excursion that requires some new clothing, and when I went shopping today to try and find some things, it was a total bust.  Nothing fits right. It is unbelievably discouraging, especially after how hard I have been working.  I'm far from giving up, but I am certainly lacking confidence, and I don't like it.

Fortunately, my mom is coming to see me next weekend and she will be my personal cheer leader, and help me ward off some of the disappointment.

Now, off to bed so I can continue my morning workouts without a hitch.

Despite the frustration, stay fabulous

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

After a very trying week, I am anxiously awaiting the weekend.  I get to go home for a couple days, back to my amazing support system and intend to come back to school rested and energized.

Although I have been keeping busy, I am still avidly working at my weight, and still trying my best to stay satisfied with the foods I'm eating.  I must say, as long as I put in time looking up recipes and use a few different ones a week, I'm pretty happy.  It isn't perfect, but I'm managing.

Due to the busy nature of the week, I don't have much time to devote to a post, but hopefully everything will be back under control soon.

Stay Fabulous,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time For School

The first week of school is off to a great start.  My classes seem great, professors seem nice, my new roommate is really cool (and gluten-free), and, for the moment, I'm not angry at food.

I did an hour long fitness class at the Rec Center last night, Athletic Yoga, and boy oh boy was it a work out.  I was seriously feeling the burn both during and after.  I took it easy today, just some light weight lifting. And a little birthday craft for Justin once class let out.   I do have a bit of a headache today, and my stomach hurts, but nothing a lot of water, some oils, and a good night's sleep can't fix.

Plans for a girl's night with some friends are in place for tomorrow night and then my first day of writing tutor training on Friday afternoon.  Almost done with week #1.

Until next time, stay fabulous